Starke Hospital becomes Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center
Knox, Ind. – Patients who need to be screened for lung cancer now have access to a Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center at Starke Hospital in Knox. The designation was given by the American College of Radiology (ACR) after a voluntary rigorous review of the hospital’s lung cancer screening program to ensure it meets or exceeds high standards. Starke Hospital already is accredited by the ACR for CT chest imaging, which was a requirement to become a designated lung cancer screening center.
“This designation showcases the superior quality of Starke Hospital’s lung cancer screening program, but is also a testament to the healthcare professionals in Diagnostic Imaging, and our local physicians who care enough about our community to put the work into making this happen,” said Jeff Vice, interim CEO at Starke Hospital. “This is not an easy designation to obtain, and it is a win for our community to have a designated program available to them so close to home.”
In 2015, the hospital invested in a new CT scanner that provides high-quality images while using the lowest dose of radiation possible.
“When your healthcare provider orders a CT or other imaging test, it’s important to know that not all imaging centers are the same. An ACR Designated Center offers high-quality testing by highly-educated professionals,” said Josephine Klicek, RT, R, CT, CRA, director of diagnostic imaging at Starke Hospital.
The ACR process for equipment, technologists and radiologists (the physicians that interpret the exams) is based on nationally-recognized guidelines and technical standards. The process assesses the personnel qualifications, policies, procedures and quality assurance activities. The gold seal and designation seal from the ACR assure patients that the facility strives to provide the best in quality patient care.
“ACR sites employ technologists that are licensed through the state of Indiana and certified with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. Intense study in each of the modalities that they perform, including CT, assures you that the technologist performing your exam has achieved a high standard of quality. You can expect that board certified radiologists will interpret your exams and send those results promptly to your caregiver,” Klicek said.
About 23 percent of adults in Starke County are smokers, according to the University of Wisconsin County Health Rankings. Many more, however, could be at risk for lung cancer because they are former smokers, or live with smokers.
Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. It is responsible for more deaths annually than breast, prostate and colorectal cancers combined. Lung cancer is second only to heart disease in the number of deaths caused annually.
“Having a CT scan to screen for lung cancer should be a shared decision between you and your doctor,” Klicek said. The test requires an order from a doctor. “CT scans are easy and painless, and could save your life because they can detect lung cancer at an earlier stage, when it is more treatable.”
Patients must meet certain criteria for CT lung cancer screening, and Medicare as well as most insurance companies will cover the screening if patients are eligible.
Criteria for CT lung cancer screening are as follows:
- Age 55 to 77 years old
- Asymptomatic - no signs or symptoms of lung cancer
- History of tobacco smoking of at least 30 pack-years (one pack-year is the same as smoking one pack per day for one year; one pack equals 20 cigarettes)
- Current smokers or those who have quit smoking within the last 15 years; AND
- A written order for a low dose CT lung cancer screening from a qualified health professional following a lung cancer screening counseling and shared decision making visit.
Candidates cannot have signs or symptoms of lung cancer to qualify for a lung cancer screen.
If your physician has ordered a CT lung cancer screening test, call (844) 865-7459 to schedule your exam at Starke Hospital.
The mission of Starke Hospital is to improve the health of our patients and communities.

The Diagnostic Imaging technologist team at Starke Hospital is now providing care in an ACR Designated Lung Cancer Screening Center. Staff are (front l to r): Josephine Klicek, RT, R, CT, CRA; Jen Redlin, RT, R, CT; (back l to r) Jennifer Radtke, RT, R, M; Dawn Musall, RT, R, CT, MR, MRSO; and Amy Vassallo, RT, R.