What to Expect
Having surgery at Northwest Health - Starke means you will be cared for by experienced surgery professionals whose first concern is your safety, comfort and healing. Here is what you can expect before and after your surgery.
Before Your Surgery
If you require pre-surgical testing, your surgeon's office will make an appointment for you to complete tests such as labs, EKG or other tests. You may also get a call from a pre-surgical screening nurse to obtain medical history information. You will receive a call in the late afternoon the day before surgery to confirm your definite arrival time.
Day of Surgery
The day of your scheduled surgical procedure, please report to the registration desk in the main lobby and a surgical services team member will escort you to the surgery department.
Please leave all valuables at home (jewelry, watches, etc.).
What to Bring:
- A list of medicines, including your dose amount, how often you take them and the last time you took the medication.
- Insurance card and identification.
- A credit card or cash for deposit or copayment.
- An emergency telephone number.
- Any advanced directives – the documents that communicate your wishes, such as living wills, power of healthcare attorney, etc.
If you are planning to be admitted after your surgery then don't forget to pack your essentials (eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures, toiletries).
During Surgery
Your family will be taken to the surgery waiting room where a patient family support representative will update them. The surgeon will come to this area to speak with the family after the case is completed while you are being monitored in the post-anesthesia care unit. Your family will be able to join you after you are on your way to your new room, if you are being admitted to the hospital, or in the Same Day Center to complete your recovery and discharge process.
If you have any questions after you are released, please contact your surgeon's office. If they are not available, please call the help line at (574) 772-1420.